What is Dollars for Scholars®?

Dollars for Scholars is a local, volunteer-operated, community-based organization that is legally affiliated with Scholarship America (formerly Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of America).


What is Scholarship America®?

Scholarship America is a national, nonprofit, student aid service organization. Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of America was founded in 1958 by Dr. Irving A. Fradkin in Fall River, Massachusetts, and incorporated as a national organization in 1961. Dr. Fradkin's expanded dream: that every American is able to exercise the freedom of education.


Why is Dollars for Scholars important?

Through Dollars for Scholars, we have the opportunity to provide both encouragement and financial support for Colonie Central High School students.


How are scholarship funds raised?

Funds come from the generous support of local businesses, service organizations, and individuals. Students and the entire community show their support by becoming involved in various types of fundraising activities. Because we are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donations can be tax-deductible. All monies raised for our Chapter goes to CCHS students. If you wish to consider establishing a permanent endowed scholarship, email us at southcoloniedfs@gmail.com. Our organization may also be named as a beneficiary in wills and insurance policies and receive gifts of property. Please check with your financial advisor about how to do this.


As a donor, have I the ability to specify criteria for upcoming scholarship awards?

You indeed have the right to do so. When funds are donated to South Colonie Dollars for Scholars, Inc., you would indicate that the funds given are dedicated along with any specific criteria that is attached to your donation. South Colonie Dollars for Scholars, Inc. will administer from that point forward using the criteria/guidelines that you have stated. Our Chapter reserves the right to set minimum donation levels for any named scholarships.


Who can apply for a scholarship?

Any Colonie Central High School senior may apply. Scholarships can be used at any accredited postsecondary institution.


How are scholarships awarded?

The Awards Committee includes volunteers from the South Colonie Dollars for Scholars board and other community leaders. The committee selects deserving recipients on the basis of a variety of selection criteria with input from the Colonie Central High School Counseling Center.


How can I help show my support for this program?

Make a contribution through a monetary donation or by volunteering your time to serve on our Board of Directors. We encourage you to give as generously as you can. Your donation of money or time reflects your pride in our South Colonie students and your commitment to the ongoing education of young people in our community.


Share your time, skills, or ideas with us.
If you wish to donate or volunteer, please contact us at:

South Colonie Dollars for Scholars, Inc
PO Box 12413
Albany, NY 12212-2413

Instagram: @southcoloniedollarsforscholars