Welcome CCHS Class of 2025!


Students and Parents

Select the Click to Login link below to log into our ChapterNet portal. If this is your first time here, register and you will then receive an email to set your password. View the Student Profile Training document below.

Completing Student Profile

How to Accept Scholarships from the Student Profile

Parent Information Instructions

Reference & Recommendation Instructions

Guidance Counselor Instructions

SCDFS Scholarship Awards Policy



Student Dashboard

Begin competing your profile now!

All South Colonie Dollars for Scholars, Inc. scholarship applications are administered online. Our Web Portal allows you to complete your student profile/application online and simultaneously apply for chapter, regional, and national scholarships in one easy online application.

Our Chapter's scholarships will be awarded at the Colonie Central High School Awards Ceremony, date to be announced. The online deadline for applying for our Chapter scholarships is typically the third week of March in the student's senior year.

Scholarship offerings for the 2024-2025 school year are listed on the 2025 Scholarships page under the News and Events tab. Several chapter scholarships are offered each year. Students may begin completing their profiles immediately for these existing scholarships and for additional ones that will be announced. 

 ***Based on the information that you provide in your online application, only scholarships you are eligible for will show up on your profile.

NOTE: If you have started your application, please remember, you are a current student and NOT A GRADUATE


When entering school counselor email addresses and recommendations, email address
accuracy is very important  Incorrect emails will not allow counselors or recommenders to
access your profile. The Colonie Central High School counselor emails are below:

          Kimberly Leva: LevaK@scolonie.org
Raymond Molloy: MolloyR@scolonie.org
Brendan DiLello: DiLelloB@scolonie.org
Kim Moutray: MoutrayK@scolonie.org
Jill Durant: DurantJ@scolonie.org
Jason Blind: BlindJ@scolonie.org




300-500 word Essay

Describing their goal                                   5 points
Clear and complete statement of goal        5 points
Evidence of participant or preparation        5 points
Unique information about specific goal       5 points
* * *

Scholarship Deadline TBA



Note to Parents & Students:

FASFA information and EFC are REQUIRED to receive all scholarships.

Upload EFC in the student profile "Additional Documents"

When you are done with our local scholarships, check out "Scholarship Opportunities" on the Scholarship America News and Resources bar on the right of our homepage for National Scholarship listings.




Our Dollars for Scholars chapter has implemented a software tool, provided by Scholarship America. This software moves all of our chapter's scholarships online and it will allow us to be more efficient with our awarding process. Here are three reasons you'll love this new software, too:

1. Online scholarship application for all our Chapter's awards. The new software means we can do away with paper scholarship applications for good-and you can do all of your applying online. All you need to do select the Click to Login button above and create your personal Student Profile. You'll fill in all the same basic information as on a paper scholarship application, and you'll be able to store and update things like your GPA, extracurricular activities and letters of recommendation throughout your high school and college career-which means you'll only have to fill it out once, for potentially multiple opportunities!

2. One profile; lots of applications. By filling out a student profile, you'll see any and all of our chapter's awards that you qualify for-and you can apply for them with just a couple of clicks. And that's not all: across the nation, Scholarship America is working with corporate and foundation partners to add new scholarships to the scholarship database. Any time your profile matches the criteria for a new scholarship, no matter who's giving it out or where it's from, you'll be able to apply without filling out a new form. 

3. Much more than just scholarships. Your Student Profile-and the "dashboard" where you fill it out and update it-provides a single source for a wide array of information you need to know. As a student user of the system, you'll be able to see exclusive volunteer and internship opportunities; you'll have free access to a wealth of financial aid and college success tools and resources; and you'll even be able to export a resume based on your high school achievements and accolades.