South Colonie Alumni Scholarship Fund
Administered by South Colonie Dollars for Scholars, Inc.


What is the South Colonie Alumni Scholarship Fund?

During the 1998-99 school year, the South Colonie Central School District celebrated its 50th anniversary as a centralized school district. As part of the year long recognition of this historic event, a committee of alumni was established in collaboration with the district to arrive upon a memorable gift to present to the district during its 50th Anniversary Grand Finale in May 1999. The Alumni Committee decided to establish a Scholarship Fund.


What is the purpose of the South Colonie Alumni Scholarship Fund?

The purpose of the fund is to present scholarships at the annual awards ceremony during the month of May to graduating seniors who will be furthering their education. The criteria of the scholarship is established each year by a scholarship selection committee.


Where does the funding come from to support the South Colonie Alumni Scholarship Fund?

The scholarship funds have come from a grass roots effort among alumni and other members of the community. More than $10,000 has been raised to date. These funds will remain in perpetuity. Scholarships are drawn from the interest earned on the principal amount. There is an ongoing effort to raise additional funds with the goal of expanding scholarships to our students.


Have any scholarships been awarded?

The first scholarship was awarded in May 2000 and continues to be an integral part of the annual awards ceremony at Colonie Central High School.


Where do students obtain a scholarship application?

The application and related information are available online on this website. Students are encouraged to consult their counselor about scholarship opportunities.


Transition to South Colonie Dollars for Scholars

To ensure continued scholarship offerings to graduating seniors at Colonie Central High School in a perpetual manner, the South Colonie Alumni Scholarship Fund became affiliated with South Colonie Dollars for Scholars in early 2003. The transition has provided the Alumni Scholarship to be an integral part of our culture, the ability to expand by tapping into new opportunities, access to additional resources and new partnerships on a local, state, and national level.


How do I contribute to the South Colonie Alumni Scholarship Fund?

The South Colonie Alumni Scholarship is administered by South Colonie Dollars for Scholars, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization which permits all contributions to be tax deductible as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. There are several ways to make a contribution that will benefit a Colonie Central High School graduate as they begin their college education.

  • Direct Contribution: Mail a check to our P.O. Box. Checks must be payable to South Colonie Dollars for Scholars. Please note Alumni Scholarship Fund on your check. We will acknowledge your donation with a written confirmation.
  • Online Contribution: Click HERE to donate now. Please indicate Alumni Scholarship Fund in the memo of your online donation.
  • Other Contributions: Are you a member of a Class Reunion Committee? Consider adding $1.00 or more to each reunion ticket! One hundred percent of your add-on would be a contribution to the South Colonie Alumni Scholarship Fund.

How do I personally become more involved in this Alumni Scholarship initiative and/or the South Colonie Dollars for Scholars chapter?

Please email us at! A representative will promptly contact you, provide you with additional information, and answer any questions you may have about Dollars for Scholars and Scholarship America scholarships and programs.